Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Essay "Relevant Quotation"

Halo Diary, ini salah satu tugasku tentang mata kuliah Writing. Pembahasan tentang "Relevant Quotation"
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Learning about “Shy” Culture of the Education in Japan

          The teacher of pondok pesantren Hifz Al-Qur’an Al Asror, Slamet Hidayat Bisri, stated that he was really surprised of many discipline students of elementary school in Japan who tidy their shoes up regularly. Whereas, his students in pondok pesantren whose elder than Japanese elementary school students are not able to do it because they always take away by force in tidying their sandals in front of the mosque. Furthermore, he also said that there are four basic pattern of education in Japan such as, language as a tool for communication, language as a skill to help each other, language as a philosophy of life and language as a religion. One point is on his focus attention, that is about the Japanese philosophy of life. Slamet said, ”From this philosophy, it teaches a “shy” culture to the students of the elementary school. It is as a basic for them to feel shy if they are not neat, break the rules or throw their rubbish everywhere.” Based on the quotation above, we know that culture is a habit. Discipline is one of the culture in habit. It should be learn and given when we were a kid, especially at home. Children in Japan are trained to be discipline when they were a kid. Parents should involve in giving a good example to their children at home. It also needs the partisipation of the teachers in teaching discipline at school. Besides, environment also determines the children’s behaviour. So, everything is begun from ourselves first. Starting from a “shy” habit will bring you into a great future.

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